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From The Bogs Of Aughiska - Roots.. CD

From The Bogs Of Aughiska - Roots Of This Earth Within My Blood CD

Mixing atmospheric and ambient strains with feedback ridden noise, the band occupy a sound that is both entrancing and confrontational.
"Grim, bleak ambient with roots deep into the land and with the spirit of black metal, this is a stunning, enthralling piece of work. Truly worthy of the attention of anyone who loves the atmospheric. And once heard I defy you not to seek out more recordings of the remarkable Eddie Lenihan, too." 9/10 Aversion Online
Album of the year in Bizarre Magazine.
01 - Aughiska Mor 
02 - An Seanchaí  (feat. Eddie Lenihen)
03 - Hell Complex (feat. Maurice De Jong – Gnaw Their Tongues)
04 - Rise In Bealtaine, Turn To Ash In Samhain
05 - Inish Cathaigh
06 - Roots Of This Earth Within My Blood (feat. Chris Naughton – Winterfylleth / Ken Sorceron – Abigail Williams)
07 - Conversatio Morum